Books Butterfly Refund Policy - What Guaranteed Results Means,
What Prorated Refund in Store Credit Means

All Books Butterfly promotions for $0.99 Books and Free Books come with a Guarantee. If we don't get you the specified downloads/sales you get a prorated refund in store credit. The store credit never expires and you can use it with any book

Promotions for books over $1 do not have a guarantee.

Promotion packages on the 'Over $1 Book Ads' page (All Month Push, 7 Day Push, Release Gold, 3 Month Push) do not have a guarantee, regardless of the price of your book during the promotion.

92% of book promotions for $0.99 books and free books hit the target. In the unfortunate case that your book misses, this page explains cases in which you can get a prorated refund in store credit

Prorated Refund in Store Credit

If your book is in one of the 8% of promotions for $0.99 books and free books that miss, then you are entitled to a prorated refund in store credit provided

1) For $0.99 books, your book should never have been free in the past
2) Book should not have been run with Bookbub in the past. Exception: NY Times Bestselling Authors, USA Today Bestselling Authors, Box Sets at $0.99 if you let us know beforehand
3) No guarantee for books under 150 pages in length
4) No guarantee for books that are Children's Books or Young Adult Books or have a protagonist who is a Young Adult
5) Guarantee is ALWAYS a prorated refund in store credit
6) All sales and all downloads during the promotion are attributed to us. There are no exceptions
7) You did not change the price during the promotion. If you increase the price of a $0.99 book to above $1 during the promotion, the guarantee is void. If you increase the price of a free book during the promotion, the guarantee is void

Prorated Refund in Cash

We only have a prorated refund in store credit. We do not have a cash refund policy

1) We get more slot requests than we can run in 20 out of our 23 main genres. Your book was selected because we thought it was a good fit. If your book missed you have store credit to run it again, or to run some other book
2) Only 8% of books at $0.99 and free miss. 92% of books hit the target

All this being said, in certain very special cases, we will do prorated refund in cash if you agree to the following two provisions

1) You agree that we ran the book exactly as was specified
2) You understand that in the future we will not be able to provide you any of our services

We work very hard to get every author who works with us good results. Unfortunately, 8% of books miss

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