Proof & Screenshots showing Books Butterfly has 4 Million Readers

We have sold over $2.5 Million of Book Promotion Packages
We have worked with over 7,000 Authors and 65% become repeat customers

For 2020 we have only 4 disputes in 1,699 book promotion packages sold (0.24%). Screenshot showing our Low Dispute Rate in 2020

For 2021 we have only 5 disputes in 1,820 book promotion packages sold (0.27%). Screenshot showing our Low Dispute Rate in 2021

For 2022 we have only 1 dispute in 1,759 book promotion packages sold (0.06%). Screenshot showing our Low Dispute Rate in 2022

For 2023 we have only 3 disputes in 1,740 book promotion packages sold (0.18%). Screenshot showing our Low Dispute Rate in 2023

In January to November 2024 we have only 2 disputes in 1,193 book promotion packages sold (0.17%). Screenshot showing our Low Dispute Rate in 2024

Below are screenshots and links so you can check for yourself that we do indeed have 4 Million+ Readers

3.35 Million App Downloads

We have 3.35 Million App Downloads. Here are some screenshots

Android Apps focused on Kindle Store

First, let's look at one of our biggest Android Apps which has 476,838 downloads. Nearly half a million readers on this one app alone. This is focused on Kindle Store

Screenshot showing 476,838 downloads - AmazonAccount2 . You can see that the Kindle Fire Free Books App has 476,838 app downloads

Next, let's look at year by year downloads
Screenshot showing 74,400 App Downloads in 2013 - Amazon2_2013_1. You can confirm App name and dates in the dropdowns close to the top of the page, near the Orange 'Update Report' button
Screenshot showing 180,290 App Downloads in 2014 - Amazon2_2014_1
Screenshot showing 122,518 App Downloads in 2015 - Amazon2_2015_1
Screenshot showing 98,942 App Downloads in 2016 - Amazon2_2016_1

That's 476,838 App Downloads in all, for just one of our Android Apps for Kindle Store.

Our Kindle UK Free Books App has 66,658 App Downloads. Here's a screenshot - AmazonAccount3_4

Genre Apps and Country Apps for Kindle Book Store

Here is a partial list of our country specific and genre specific Android Apps

First, this list shows our Mystery, Thriller, Romance, Steamy Romance Apps - AmazonAccount3_List3
Next, this list shows some of our country apps, including the earlier mentioned Kindle UK Free Books App which has 66,658 App Downloads - AmazonAccount3_List4

Android Apps from Google Play Store

Across all our Android Apps we have 207,000+ App Downloads. These are just a few of our Android apps. We're starting direct distribution of our Android Apps in 2020 or 2021 as distribution in Google Play Store hasn't really taken off the way we'd like

1.35 Million Android App Readers

We're showing you screenshots for some of our apps. Just these apps total 600,000+ App Downloads. Across all our Android Apps we have 1.35 Million App Downloads

We've built Android Apps since 2011 and Books Discovery focused Android Apps since 2012. In 2012 to Nov 2017, we've amassed 1.35 Million App Downloads. In 2020 or 2021 we're starting Direct Distribution of our Android Apps and will continue to grow the number of Android readers you can reach through us

Apple Apps with 822,500+ App Downloads

We have been building Apple Books Discovery Apps since 2014

Here's a screenshot showing 264,000 App Downloads for one set of Apps - Apple2_264X
Here's a screenshot showing worldwide distribution of those apps - Apple2_CountriesX
Here's a screenshot showing distribution between iPad and iPhone for app downloads - Apple2_DevicesX

Here's a screenshot showing some of our Genre Apps and Country Apps - Apple3_AppsX

Genre Apps and Country Apps for Apple Book Store

Country Apps including Free Books USA and Free Books Canada - AppleAccount3_1
Genre Apps including Free Romance Books and Free Romantic Erotica Books - AppleAccount3_2
Genre Apps including Free Steamy Romance Books, Free Mystery Books, and Free Adventure Books - AppleAccount3_3

In all we have 822,500+ Apple App Downloads and these allow you to reach 822,500+ Apple Readers

We also have 88,425 Apple Email Subscribers for our email list devoted to Apple Store Free Books & Books Deals - Apple_88425X

This combination of being the #1 Apple Apps Book Promotion Company and the #2 Apple Email Promotion Company makes us an indispensable marketing ally for your Apple Store Book Promotions

Links to some of our Apple Apps

1) Free Books UK -
2) Free Books Australia -
3) Free Books India -
4) Free Cookbooks -
5) Free Books Canada -

We have 8+ Country Apps and 10+ Genre Apps for Apple Store. This allows you both international reach and genre focused reach

Windows 8 Apps & Windows Phone Apps

We built Windows 8 Books Discovery Apps starting end 2012.

Proof of Windows App Downloads

First Account: Screenshot showing downloads/acquisitions for our apps in our 1st account - Windows8AppsPerfect
This account has had a total of 387,381 app downloads

Second Account: Screenshot showing downloads/acquisitions for apps in our 2nd account - Windows8AppsA2
This account has had a total of 162,387 app downloads

Proof of Windows Apps

Here's a list of Windows 8 and Windows Phone Apps from our 1st Windows Developer account - Windows8Apps1

Here's a list of Windows 8 and Windows Phone Apps from our 2nd Windows Developer account - Windows8AppsA2Perfect

Here's one of our Windows 8 Apps which we aren't currently updating and which you can download (free trial, $1.49 to buy). It's in the Top 100 Paid Games list (has been in and out of the Top 100 throughout its entire 3.5 years of existence) -

Nook Apps & Nook Email Subscribers

Proof of Nook Email List with 26,218 email subscribers - KindleUK_Nook

We have 121,710+ Nook Book Apps downloads. Nook App Store only shows downloads per month, which makes it almost impossible to show total number of downloads in 2011 (when our first Nook Books Discovery App came out) to June 2016 (when Nook App Store closed down, only the App Store, the Nook Book Store is still alive and kicking)

We might later put up a few screenshots covering a few months.

310,890+ Email Subscribers

We have 310,890+ Email Subscribers

Here's a screenshot showing total email subscribers - Aweber_347268

Here are screenshots showing email subscribers for our different lists

Apple Email List with 88,425 email subscribers - Apple_88425X
Nook Email List with 26,218 and Kindle UK with 9,805 - KindleUK_Nook
Kobo Email List with 13,742 - Kobo_13742

Kindle Email Lists are 170,000+. There are 60+ email lists for Kindle so there's no easy way to show them all

Please Note: There is one common Kindle Email List which covers all genres which is 100,000+ Email subscribers and then there are various smaller lists for genres.

As you can see, we do have 4 Million+ Readers

The above screenshots and links clearly show that we have 4 Million+ Readers. If you have specific questions you can email us at

Because of this immense size, 92% of book promotion slots hit the guaranteed figures and do very well. Please also take a look at the Guaranteed Results & Results page and at the Daily Active Readers page

The figure for 614,000+ Daily Active Readers is an approximation based on the daily active reader figures we see for different apps, blogs, sites, and email lists. We approximate that 15% of our total readers are daily active readers. The approximate range might be anywhere from 10% (400,000+ Daily Active Readers) to 20% (800,000+ Daily Active Readers)

Please see the Top Reasons to Promote with Books Butterfly Page for a detailed list of benefits

Get a Better Understanding of All the Readers You Will Reach, and of how Books Butterfly Book Promotions work, by reading the following pages

1) Why you can Trust Books Butterfly
2) Proof of 4 Million Readers
3) 4 Million Total Readers
4) Guaranteed Results
5) 3 Million App Readers
6) 1.35 Million Android Readers
7) 614,000 Daily Active Readers
8) Top Reasons to Promote Your Book with Books Butterfly

Additional Insight into Apps, Email Subscribers, Website Visitors

1) 822,500 Apple Readers
2) 549,768 Windows Readers
3) 310,890 Email Subscribers
4) 118,900+ Website Visitors

Promote to 4 Million Readers

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