Would you like to Reach 822,500+ Apple Readers with Your Book?

In 2014 Apple store started growing very quickly and we started making Apple Book Apps to tap into demand. By 2015 we had Apple Apps covering most book genres and multiple countries. In 2014 to 2017 we have had 822,500+ App Downloads in the Apple App Store for our Apple Book Apps. This makes us the #1 Apple Book Promotion Apps Company

If you're an author Apple is the friendliest and easiest book store to work with

a) Apple were the first book store to give Authors a 70% cut of book sales
b) Apple has a very good team that work hard to give authors a good chance. We have heard multiple authors report Apple is their most significant revenue source now. We ourselves see Apple Readers growing at a faster rate than any other ebook store
c) Apple adds hundreds of millions of iPhone and iPad owners every quarter. These are also customers not averse to spending money on books

Promote with Books Butterfly and you can reach a very large number of Apple readers

1) We have 822,500+ Apple Readers on Book Apps
2) We have 88,428+ Apple Email Subscribers for our Apple Email List
3) We have a dedicated Apple Free Books & Deals email list and blog
4) We have Apple Book Apps for 20 different genres. These reach the most targeted set of readers
5) We have Apple Book Apps for 20 different countries. These ensure you get worldwide reach

With Books Butterfly you can get started on turning Apple iBooks into a significant source of book sales for yourself.

Promote Your Book To 822,500 Apple Readers

Please see the Top Reasons to Promote with Books Butterfly Page for a detailed list of benefits

Get a Better Understanding of All the Readers You Will Reach, and of how Books Butterfly Book Promotions work, by reading the following pages

1) Why you can Trust Books Butterfly
2) Proof of 4 Million Readers
3) 4 Million Total Readers
4) Guaranteed Results
5) 3 Million App Readers
6) 1.35 Million Android Readers
7) 614,000 Daily Active Readers
8) Top Reasons to Promote Your Book with Books Butterfly

Additional Insight into Apps, Email Subscribers, Website Visitors

1) 822,500 Apple Readers
2) 549,768 Windows Readers
3) 310,890 Email Subscribers
4) 118,900+ Website Visitors

Promote to 4 Million Readers

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