Twitter Promotion is currently Paused

We have paused promotion on Twitter for the following three reasons

1) As opposed to Apps and Email Lists which we control, Twitter is controlled by Twitter. We have close to zero flexibility in terms of how we can promote, gathering email addresses of readers, etc

2) Whereas Apps and Email Lists work well for 92% of authors, Twitter has a lower success rate

3) The very large size of our Twitter Accounts (4.46 million) made it complicated and expensive to grow accounts and maintain accounts, and to do daily updates

Therefore, we have taken the hard decision to pause Twitter promotion and focus all our energy and resources on App and Email and Website promotions. At the moment we are not sure if/when we will restart Twitter Promotion

Any packages bought after Aug 14th, 2019 will not include any Twitter promotion whatsoever. Additionally, on Aug 14th, 2019 we updated all packages to no longer include 'Twitter Promotion' in the package details. All promotion packages now include only - App Promotion, Email List Promotion, Website Promotion, Blog Promotion

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