Would You Like to Reach Half A Million Windows Readers?

We built a few Windows 8 Paid Apps in early 2013. One of these is still in the Top 100 Bestselling Apps in the Windows store (3.5 years later). We leveraged that experience, and our experience of building Book Discovery Apps for Android, to build Books Discovery Apps for Windows 8 and Windows Phone

a) These Apps cover the major ebook stores
b) These Apps reach 549,768 Windows 8 and Windows Phone readers. 77% are Windows 8 readers and the remaining 23% are Windows Phone readers
c) These Apps make Books Butterfly the #1 Book Promotion Apps Company for Windows

Promote with Books Butterfly and you can reach these 549,768 Windows Readers whom very few book promotion companies reach (or even know about)

Please Note: We're currently updating our Windows 8 Apps to support Windows 10. With the rapid growth of Surface Tablet, and with Microsoft's resurgence with gains in Cloud Computing and Enterprise, we would not be surprised if Windows became one of the most important books discovery channels within the next 4 to 5 years

Promote Your Book to 549,768 Windows Readers

Please see the Top Reasons to Promote with Books Butterfly Page for a detailed list of benefits

Get a Better Understanding of All the Readers You Will Reach, and of how Books Butterfly Book Promotions work, by reading the following pages

1) Why you can Trust Books Butterfly
2) Proof of 4 Million Readers
3) 4 Million Total Readers
4) Guaranteed Results
5) 3 Million App Readers
6) 1.35 Million Android Readers
7) 614,000 Daily Active Readers
8) Top Reasons to Promote Your Book with Books Butterfly

Additional Insight into Apps, Email Subscribers, Website Visitors

1) 822,500 Apple Readers
2) 549,768 Windows Readers
3) 310,890 Email Subscribers
4) 118,900+ Website Visitors

Promote to 4 Million Readers

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