Would You Like to Promote Your Book with Books Butterfly and Reach our 4 Million Readers?

First, let's look at the Top 15 Benefits

Top 15 Reasons You Should be Promoting Your Book with Books Butterfly

1) Immense Reach - Reach 4 Million+ Readers. Books Butterfly is a Top 2 Book Promotion Company with 4 Million+ Readers

2) Guaranteed Results - Books Butterfly offers you a prorated refund guarantee. We guarantee results for Free Book Promotions and for $0.99 Book Promotions.

3) $1.9 Million of Book Promotion Packages sold. 5 years experience of promoting books. We know how to market and promote a book

4) #1 in Apps - Books Butterfly has the Biggest Book Promotion Apps with 3.345 Million App Downloads

5) Great Results - We are so confident in our results we offer a Prorated Refund Guarantee. 92% of authors who promote with us get good to great results.

92% of limited time Free Book Promotions hit the guaranteed figure or exceed it
92% of $0.99 Book Promotions hit the guaranteed figure or exceed it
90% of Free in All Stores Book Promotions hit the guaranteed figure or exceed it
95% of Box Set Promotions hit the guaranteed figure or exceed it

In the rare case your book promotion misses, we have a prorated refund in store credit. It never expires. You can use it on the same book or on one of your other books

6) Rapid Growth in Readers - Books Butterfly is one of the fastest growing book promotion companies. We have 4 Million+ readers and are adding hundreds of thousands of readers every year

7) Clarity & Transparency - We are the only book promotion company which talks about Daily Active Readers and clearly states how many people will actually GET your book promotion and SEE it and have the option to ACT on it

Many promotion companies and channels talk about how many readers they SEND your book promotion to, without specifying how many people will actually GET your book promotion and actually SEE your book

8) #1 in Android Book Apps - Books Butterfly has the biggest Android Book Promotion Apps with 1.35 Million+ App Downloads. Reach 1.35 Million+ Android readers right on their Android Tablets and Phones

9) #1 in Apple Book Apps - Books Butterfly has the biggest Apple Book Promotion Apps with 822,500+ App Downloads. Reach 822,500+ Apple readers right on their iPhones and iPads

10) Top 5 in Email Lists - Books Butterfly is a Top 5 Email Book Promotion Company with 310,890+ Email Subscribers

11) #1 in Windows Apps - Books Butterfly has the biggest Windows Book Promotion Apps with 549,768+ App Downloads

12) Direct Distribution of Apps to Readers - In 2020 we're starting direct distribution of our Android Books Discovery Apps to Readers. This will allow you to reach readers directly and smoothly

13) Massive Word of Mouth - Your book will not just reach our Millions of Readers. They will also share it with their friends and family. Our 310,890+ Email Subscribers and our 3.35 Million+ App Readers are all potential sources of word of mouth. If they like your book, they will tell other people. That's how we've grown and that's how you too can benefit

14) Growth of Author Clients and Reader Clients is the Best Proof of Quality - In Nov 2014 to Aug 2019 we have been one of the fastest growing book promotion companies in all the Key Metrics

Author Client Growth i.e. number of authors who promote with us. We've now worked with 7,000+ Authors
Growth in Total Readers. We now have 4 Million Total Readers
Growth in Daily Reader Net Add Rate. We are now adding well over 200,000 Readers a Year

This sort of growth is only possible because
a) We deliver results for authors and those authors spread the word to their friends and to their fellow authors. Our #1 driver of growth is 'Fellow Author told me about Books Butterfly'
b) We deliver great books for readers and those readers tell their friends and family

15) Immense Size - Books Butterfly has 4 Million Readers

We are a Top 2 Book Promotion Company in total number of Readers with 4 Million+ Readers
We are #1 in Apps with 3.345 Million+ App Readers

Please do read the 'Daily Active Readers' page to get a better understanding of how many of these 4 Million+ Readers your book promotion will actually reach

Promote Your Book to 4 Million+ Readers

Another 15 Reasons You Should be Promoting Your Book with Books Butterfly

1) Very Big & Powerful Mix of Book Promotion Channels - With Books Butterfly you reach EACH of the following book promotion channels -

1.35 Million+ Android Readers
822,500+ Apple Readers
549,768+ Windows Readers
310,890+ Email Subscribers
Readers on 23 Genre Blogs
Readers on 40 Sub Genre Blogs

Find your future readers, wherever they might be finding books

2) True International Reach with 120+ Countries - 70% of Books Butterfly readers are in the US. The remaining 30% are from 120+ Daily Active Countries. Your book will be seen by readers in 120+ countries

Books Butterfly is the only book promotion company which has -
a) Separate dedicated blogs and email lists for 7 countries
b) Separate dedicated Apps for 8 Countries

Promote with us and reach readers in 120+ countries. There's nothing quite as amazing as getting sales and downloads from all across the globe - USA, UK, Canada, Australia, India, South Africa, New Zealand, China, Brazil, Philippines, Israel, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Spain, Nigeria, Germany, Japan, France, Netherlands, Puerto Rico, Saudi Arabia, Ukraine, Trinidad & Tobago, United Arab Emirates, Vietnam, Singapore, Hong Kong, Turkey, Jamaica, Malaysia, Nepal, Kenya, Argentina, Austria, Barbados, Belgium, Belize, Chile, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, Ghana, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Romania, Russia, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Venezuela, Albania, Aruba, Algeria, Bahamas, Bahrain, Barbados, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecudaor, Guatemala, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Malta, Mongolia, Morocco, Poland, Portugal, Sudan, Taiwan, and many many more countries

3) Hand Curated Selection - At Books Butterfly we have painfully crafted hand picked selections of books which present your book alongside the day's best books and other sponsors.

Readers are smart and discerning. Some book promotion companies send out one ad per genre per day. Lots of their readers leave, because no one wants to see just ads all the time.

If you were a reader - Would you choose to see one ad a day and nothing but ads? Or would you prefer an actual curated list of the best books of the day with some good books from sponsors included?

We can talk about Daily Active Readers and how many readers will actually get your book promotion BECAUSE we give readers a good curated selection each day in each genre. That is what keeps them loyal and engaged

4) Experience of having sold and run $1.9 Million of Book Promotion Packages

5) Prorated Refund Guarantee that Eliminates the Downside - 92% of our author clients get good to great results. Only 8% see their books miss the guarantee figure. These authors get a prorated refund in store credit and the majority are happy and become repeat customers

Even in the unlikely case that your promotion misses, there's no downside - the store credit never expires and you can use it to run some other book or to run the same book again after a month or two

6) Dedicated Nook Book Promotion - Books Butterfly is the only promotion site that has an email list and blog dedicated to Nook Book Discovery. We have been building Nook Book Discovery Channels since 2011

7) Books Butterfly is Author Focused - Many of the Top 10 Book Promotion Companies are shifting focus to the Big 5 Publishers. We remain focused on Authors and Small Publishers

8) We Curate & Promote More Authors than Any Other Book Promotion Company - Books Butterfly curates and promotes 200+ Authors every single day

9) Our Readers buy Paid Books - Books Butterfly is one of the few book promotion and marketing channels where the readers actually buy paid books

10) Reach Your Perfect Set of Readers - We have separate blogs for 63 different genres and sub-genres. Books Butterfly targets the most specific sets of readers, thereby allowing you to find Your Perfect Set of Readers

11) Big in Apple, Nook, Kobo - Books Butterfly has 128,388+ combined email subscribers for Nook, Apple, Kobo stores. If you're ready to start spreading your eggs across different baskets, we're here to help

12) Promote Books at Any Price - At Books Butterfly we promote free books, we promote $1 books, we promote books over $1, and we even promote books at full price.

Please Note: We also promote paperbacks (7 Day Push at Over $1 Book Ads page)
Please Note: We also promote Audiobooks (All Month Push package and 7 Day Push package at www.booksbutterfly.com)

13) Reach Apple, Nook, and Kobo, in addition to Kindle store - Books Butterfly is the only book promotion company which has dedicated, separate email lists and blogs for Apple, Nook, and Kobo stores in addition to Kindle Store. We create separate, custom curated lists of books for each of these stores

14) Good Follow-on Sales - Books Butterfly has good follow-on sales, similar to what other good book promotion companies get

15) Good Kindle Unlimited Borrows & Pages Read - With 1.35 Million+ Android Readers, your book will get a good number of Kindle Unlimited Pages Read

Please Note: Pages Read happen over weeks and months, not all within a few days

Promote Your Book to 4 Million+ Readers

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